The sky looked really blue As my red blood shed for you I am sad and blue The colours of me Are in the Autumn spree My sore heart is free Changes, seasons apart Sadness in my blue, blue heart Seasons, days apart

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To Laone, death came slowly and painfully just as Samuel had intended, the very way he had craved it. Samuel could not bear the thought of Laone ever getting close to or loving someone else. If he could not have him then nobody else would.

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When the throws of passion lead to life long regression, it makes for regrets. When your sorrows dwell and you pray for tomorrow because today overwhelms with all that was not. When you’re being the person you see in your enemies. When you are Satan’s conduit pipe and your sorrow is his very delight. When…

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As Ntatemogolo finished his sentence, he looked down to see that the herd had reached the edge of the dried Lake Makgadikgadi. With his hoof he scratched the sandy river bed and felt pride well up in his heart. It was always amazing to him that even with very little and with even less water, the herd had come as far as it had. It was not as if there were millions and millions of Zebra and on the grand scheme of things, they did not possess that much wealth. But somehow regardless of obstacles, the herd had put the good of the tribe above personal, selfish gain and worked toward uplifting the herd.

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